Category Archives: Treyavir by F. Salazar


Time once again for String’s annual post of shameless self promotion.

Summer 2021 rental reservations have opened for our beach place on Cape Cod. It’s in North Truro, just over a mile from the Provincetown line.

Reservations can be made at the Kinlan-Grover website. For some reason the link has changed this year, wiping out the prior years’ reviews and feedback. But it’s still the same place, same amenities, and is already filling fast with repeaters from prior years. Prices vary by week, and there are significant savings in the shoulder seasons.

While I’m at it, how about something to read while you self-isolate on the beach?

Fernando’s catalog continues to grow. Of course I am biased, but I do recommend all of these most wholeheartedly.

Fractured Symmetry

The first of a burgeoning science fiction/mystery series.  This collection of stories features a strong woman of action and a reclusive alien genius as the detectives. It’s fast plotted, tight and full of compelling characters, alien cultures, heroics, and intrepid investigations. With great lashings of sarcasm thrown in.

The Temple of Beauty

This collection features retro-inspired short stories, and includes both SF and fantasy, ranging across a wide variety of tones and subjects.  More aliens, stealthy killers, high camp wandering heroes, and the clash of class and ideals.  Some played for ironic amusement, some less flippant. 

The Lady of Dungeness

The latest offering – a novella for plague times. This is an intrepid tale of perseverance, love, art, science, and separation, set in a near future that is both all too familiar and strange.


A novella length taste of epic fantasy in the classic style, this is the story of Reginal Maigntar, Falcon Knight and Lord of Thul, who seemed destined to live a life built on the achievements of his predecessors. Until…