More progress to report on Rogue. I’m well into the fronts now, about 26 rows or so into Chart B. As you can see, the hood yoke pattern is working out nicely:

My next worry will be whether or not the shoulder areas meet up properly, but I’m assuming that if not, I can wing it. I’m also assuming that I’ll be able to tinker with the hood depth a bit if I need to compensate for my different gauge. I’ve already started the hood motif a bit later than called for in the pattern to balance out my smaller row gauge.

What’s happening to String or Nothing?

My guess is that you’ll be popping back a couple of times over the next week or so to see what I’m up to. But you’ll find this page still current. Life is going to intrude in my life big time over the next two weeks. I will try to provide updates, but I can’t guarantee them. In the mean time, feel free to browse the archives. To be immodest, here are some of the more interesting bits here:

Reference shelf – articles that contain knitting advice that I hope is useful. Of particular note under this category:

Gadgets – tools used by knitters. Most useful posts include:

Knitting Patterns – Mostly quick and easy stuff I haven’t gotten around to adding to wiseNeedle yet:

Stitch or color pattern graphs:

Embroidery – My other life. This stuff is mostly show and tell.

Food – Man and woman do not live by needlework alone:

There are more categories over on the side. Happy browsing!

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